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Volunteer at Friends of the Animal Shelter


New Volunteer Orientation

New Volunteer Orientation

Please attend a New Volunteer Orientation to discover the many current volunteer opportunities. New opportunities are evolving as FOTAS continues to expand our services throughout the Rogue Valley. Volunteer orientations are held throughout the month.

Space is limited, so please let us know you’d like to participate by connecting with us using the contact info below.

Easy ways to reserve your space!
Call: (541) 708-0090

We have many options – and we have Mentors who will help you feel comfortable and competent quickly.

Spanish-Speaking Volunteers Needed

We would love to have more Spanish-speaking volunteers to help out as Adoption Ambassadors.  If you’re bi-lingual and comfortable talking with people, we need you!

sleeping kittens

Adopt a Cat!

Find your purrfect companion.

happy dog getting pets

Adopt a Dog

Find your new best friend.

volunteer holds kittens available to foster

Volunteer Opportunities

There are many ways to volunteer with FOTAS

kittens for adoption need spay/neuter services

Spay/Neuter Services

Help stop overpopulation

cat and dog awaiting foster care

Foster Opportunities

Be a foster, save a life

friendly older dog with paw in woman's hand


Helpful info for you and your pets