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Donate to Friends of the Animal Shelter


Legacy Society

Legacy Society

The Legacy Society recognizes contributors who include a provision for Friends of the Animals (FOTAS) in their estate plans. A bequest provision in a will, living trust, life insurance policy or retirement plan all qualify the donor for membership in the Legacy Society. If you have a permanent fund at a community foundation and make provisions for Friends of the Animals to receive a gift(s) after your death, this qualifies you as a member.

Three ways to become a member of our Legacy Society:

(1) The most popular way to leave a legacy gift is to add Friends of the Animals as a beneficiary in your will or living trust. Here is a sample bequest language for your consideration:

“I give and bequeath to Friends of the Animal Shelter, dba Friends of the Animals  (Tax ID #94-3153463), a nonprofit corporation located in Ashland, Oregon, for its (general or endowed) purposes, ______(dollar amount, percentage of estate, or residual of estate).

We recommend that you include FOTAS contact information as well:

Friends of the Animal Shelter dba Friends of the Animals (FOTAS)
PO Box 1153, Ashland, OR 97520
Phone: (541) 708-0090

(2) You may also consider naming Friends of the Animals as a beneficiary of a life insurance or retirement savings plan. Simply fill out and submit a beneficiary change form directly to your fund administrator. You may need the following information.

Name of beneficiary: Friends of the Animal Shelter dba Friends of the Animals (FOTAS)
Birth: July 1990 (our founding year)
Tax ID number: 94-3153463
Address: PO Box 1153, Ashland, Oregon, 97520
Phone: (541) 708-0090

(3) If you have a fund or are considering establishing a fund of any kind at your local community foundation, let your representative know that you intend to leave Friends of the Animals a legacy gift. The community foundation may have suggestions of how you can accomplish this using existing or new fund vehicles.

Please click here to download the Legacy Society Membership Application.

Please inform Friends of the Animals of your future gift.

As you are completing the plans for your future gift, include in your paperwork Friends of the Animals Legacy Society membership form. Submitting the membership form to Friends of the Animals is an important, complementary step to ensure that your intentions are clear and accomplished.

Contact the Friends of the Animals office via email for more information.

Thank you for considering joining fellow Southern Oregonians as we come together to help find new homes for animals by leaving a legacy for Friends of the Animals.

Please note: The information provided here is not intended to be financial advice; please consult a financial adviser before making changes in your estate.

sleeping kittens

Adopt a Cat!

Find your purrfect companion.

happy dog getting pets

Adopt a Dog

Find your new best friend.

volunteer holds kittens available to foster

Volunteer Opportunities

There are many ways to volunteer with FOTAS

kittens for adoption need spay/neuter services

Spay/Neuter Services

Help stop overpopulation

cat and dog awaiting foster care

Foster Opportunities

Be a foster, save a life

friendly older dog with paw in woman's hand


Helpful info for you and your pets